Reader’s Club
Reader’s Club

Developing reading habit and information literacy skills among students and teachers is the primary objective of a school library. A well organized and active Reader’s club helps to achieve this objective. Librarian shall be the in-charge of the Reader’s Club supported by a committee of students and teachers.


1. Students:

a) President
b) Secretary
c) Class Representatives (VI-XII)

2. Teachers: 2 (Two) teachers with good reading habit

3. Librarian: as the Convener

4. Members: (50-75)/ Selected as part of the school’s club activity planning

This committee shall meet as often as possible but at least once in three months. The Reader’s Club President and Secretary shall be given with badges as a promotional measure.


The Reader’s Club shall develop an annual activity plan with the following suggested activities.

i. Competitions: Book review writing, reading competition, storytelling, book jacket/book mark designing, literary quiz, spot poetry writing, slogan writing, poster designing, etc

ii. Assembly programmes: weekly book review in the assembly in English and Hindi, enacting the famous characters from a book, etc

iii. Awards: Reader of the Month / Best reader awards

iv. Events and campaigns: Meet the Author, visit to a local library, drop everything and read campaign, My dear Book (Book talks), reading week etc

v. Reader Studies: Annual reader surveys/audits to analyze reading habit and reader behaviors.

The activities of the Reader’s Club should be recorded in a register and discussed in the quarterly committee meetings.

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