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NCERT Constituents and Departments

1. Central institute education technology
2. National institute of education

                Department of Elementary Education [DEE]
                Department of Education in Social Sciences [DESS]
                Department of Education in Languages [DEL]
                Department of Gender Studies [DGS]
                Department of Teacher Education [DTE]
                Department of Curriculum Studies [DCS]
                Publication Division [PD]
                Library And Documentation Division [LDD]
                International Relations Division [IRD]
                Planning and Monitoring Division [PMD]
                Division of Educational Research [DER]
                Educational Survey Division [ESD]
                Division of Educational Kits [DEK]
                RMSA Project Cell
                Hindi Cell
                Public Relation Cell [PRC]
3. Regional Institute of Education

                              RIE Ajmer 
                           RIE Bhopal 
                           RIE Bhubaneswar
                           RIE Mysore 
                                 NE-RIE Shillong 

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